about me,

New to software dev, but already hooked! Learning & growing through hands-on projects & constant improvement.


Bandung, Indonesia


Jun 2024 - Present (Full-Time)

Co-founding Worth Every Penny with my friends has been an incredible journey. We've set out to build a social financial app that helps students manage debts, split bills, and get engaging financial reports. This project has not only been a passion project but also a powerful learning experience for me. As we develop the software, I'm continuously expanding my skills and understanding of what it takes to create a high-quality, user-friendly product. The process has been both challenging and rewarding, fueling my passion for software development every step of the way.

Frontend Developer

Jun 2024 - Present (Part-Time)

As a frontend developer, I take on the responsibility of crafting user-friendly apps that aren't just easy to use, but genuinely helpful. My goal is to ensure that every element of the interface enhances the user experience, making the app intuitive and enjoyable. I pay close attention to user feedback and continually refine the design to meet their needs. This commitment to usability and functionality drives my work, pushing me to create solutions that users not only use but love.